There is a book written by Napolean Hill called Think and Grow Rich, that I think everyone who wants to change their body should read. Napolean Hill was hand picked by Andrew Carnegie to write the book. In order to write the book Napolean spent several years interviewing the most successful people in the world. He interviewed and spent time with people like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Andrew Carnegie.. Think and Grow Rich is the book that resulted from him trying to find out what all of these successful people have in common. The take home message of the book is that successful people have a vision of what they want to accomplish and they take action towards their vision everyday. As a trainer I come across people all the time who have a vision for what they would like their body to look like, but they never take any action. For example, how many of you have said to yourself that you will start eating better next week or tomorrow. Take action and start today. If you haven't read Think and Grow Rich then I would suggest getting a copy and if you have read it then I think it is a good idea to go back and read it again with the idea that you are going to change your body
Workout of the Day
1 min walking lunge
1 min pushpress
1 min deadlift
1 min pullup
1 min between exercises
Repeat for 3 rounds
Nice Pic of Bill showing his VT pride! You go!
It was the day of 32; 32 sec sprint, 32 sec db swing, 32 sec rows, 32 sec box jumps and 32 incredible Hokies that we will continue to honor. We are Virginia Tech!
Wooohooo, Brooke got the first comment. Where were you tonight though? It was a good one.
Dan, I got the book and am really enjoying it and am getting a copy for each of my kids; one is hiking in Spain, the other will be here for a visit and then heads to grad school in Amsterdam. Both set goals and work hard to reach them. I know they'll want to meet you...they think you've done wonders for their mom.
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