Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Everybody is always worried about cardio. I probably get asked more questions about what we do for cardio than anything else. The truth is that we don't really do any traditional cardio. Steady state cardio is not really that great for you. In fact Charles Poliquin and Paul Check who are two of the most well known strength and conditioning coaches in the world actually forbid their weight loss clients from doing steady state cardio. Steady state cardio causes the body to release excess cortisol which is a stress hormone, and cortisol is related to abdominal fat. Diana Schwarzbein is another well respected doctor who has studied the hormonal affects of exercise and she also forbids her weight loss clients from doing cardio. But what about the heart health benefits? According to Charles Poliquin those who lift weights have healthier hearts and better circulation than those who do cardio.

Workout of the Day
3 min max reps of db burpee squat clean thruster
Rest 2 min
Repeat for 4 sets

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