Thursday, August 28, 2008

What is Wrong with Magazine Fitness Programs

After spending some time with Alwyn Cosgrove one of the things that he talked about was how ridiculous it was that people followed the workouts in many of the major fitness magazines. He said that the articles that he and other trainers write for the magazines do not contain the actual workouts that they use with their clients. Why is this? He said that often times the magazines will approach him with a set article in mind and ask him to create a workout to fit the story. For instance, he was recently asked to write an article for a magazine that contained a workout that used only 6 bodyweight exercises. He says that the odds of him using this program with an actual client were not that high. He said that it could happen but that the odds were not that great. You have to remember that the programs in magazines are general programs that provide basic princples. They are not for everybody.

Workout of the Day
Backsquat 4x6
45 sec work/45 sec rest
reverse lunge, pullups, pushpress, hollow rocks
3 rounds

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