Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Have A Goal

One of the biggest things that we went over at my seminar last week was goals. It is important to have a single goal that you are pursuing. Too often people have multiple goals that they are trying to accomplish and then they get overwhelmed by all of the things they are trying to do. Pick a goal and work hard to achieve it and once you have achieved it then pick another goal. One concept that Alwyn and Rachel went over is that when you are trying to accomplish something worthwhile your life is going to be slightly unbalanced. An example of this would be if you are trying to get leaner. Your life will not have the normal balance that it normally would have because you will have to focus quite a bit of attention on getting leaner. Once you reach your desired goal then you can restore the balance in your life.

Workout of the Day
Db Complex 4 x 5
Deadlift, Hang Clean, Thruster, lunge
2x20 Air squat, db swing, pushup, ring row

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