Friday, August 29, 2008

Strong Mind

There will be no class on Monday at 6am.

There is a quote by Thomas Jefferson that states "A strong body makes for a strong mind." In order to change your body whether you are trying to get leaner or stronger it takes some mental toughness. What kind of mental toughness am I talking about? When the workout gets hard and you want to stop it takes some mental toughness to keep pushing and finish what you started. It also takes mental toughness to stick with your eating plan when you are surrounded by temptations. Changing your physique is not always easy and the mental toughness that you gain through your workouts and nutrition carries over into everything you do in life. Not only will you be mentally tough in the gym but in everything you try and do.

Workout of the Day
2 min sets of
turkish get up sit ups
sumo high pull
rowing machine

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