Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Food Journals

Since we implemented the new food journal system I have heard a lot of complaining about why we need to do this. The reason we are doing this is because your nutrition determines a very large part of your results, and my job is to help you get results. Most people don't realize that they can undo a weeks worth of workouts with just one bad day of eating. If you look at the literal meaning of what a coach is, a coach is something that transports you from where you are to where you want to be. I see my job as helping people get where they want to be and I really enjoy helping people change their bodies for the better. The truth is that if the food journal system is hard for you then you need it.

Yesterday's Top Performances
Male Dale 17:00 with 30lbs
Female Ashley 10:00 with 20lbs

Workout of the Day
30 seconds of clean and jerk
6 rounds with 2 min rest


Neil said...

So how are everyone legs after squats and lunges back to back....
I had to go to the "other" gym to do my workout due to timing - forgot about the weird looks people give you! Did 80# lunges, 50# swings, 55# press - 12:18

Unknown said...

Well said Dan! I know it's difficult, but I think that everyone can benefit from these more strict guidelines.

Anonymous said...


I know you are angry because you can't get your name under "Top Performers" but don't blame the system, then when that doesn't work blame me. Maybe you should just blame the fact that you are old, slow, and weak.

And I am making an open challenge: run, row, burpees, any cardio we do, I will beat you.

Oh, and I won again today, but only because Chris hit himself in the chin with the bar.

Great work everyone. Now in addition to having epic battles in the gym, we can start having them online, which is much more fun because I am significantly tougher online.

Love, peace, and green vegetables to all.

The Bill
"bloody, but unbowed"

Anonymous said...

Oh, and another thing: Dan, where are your numbers???

And from now on, I will do a % of my bodyweight so Neil will quit whining.

Boy, I am feeling blogpostfroggy tonight. Must be all the delicious celery!!!

Unknown said...

Bill, keep up the smack talking and you'll have to head to head with me ... and I KNOW you don't want to do that!

Peace, love, green veggies and MEAT!

PS - ready for Saturday?