Monday, August 11, 2008

Weight Loss

This weekend I had the pleasure of talking with a guy who has lost 35lbs on his own in the last 3 months. So what did he do. He said that he changed his diet. His diet now consists of lean meats, vegetables, some fruit, and healthy fats. He said that he stopped drinking sodas and going out to eat so much. He was even on an all inclusive cruise for the last week and didn't deviate from his nutrition at all. He was telling me how it was hard not to cheat while on the cruise because there were so many temptations but he did hold out and is glad that he did. The other thing that he mentioned is that he stopped eating past the point when he was full and started listening to his body. My favorite thing that he told me was "it isn't rocket science it just takes some discipline."

Friday's Top Performers
Male Neil 152 reps
Female Ashley 155 reps

Workout of the Day
1 rep max back squat and deadlift

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell us more about this old is he, why did he decide to do this, had he tried before, did he exercise?
