Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fast Food

For the most part fast food restaurants should not be an option when you are looking for somewhere to eat. If you are prepared then there should never be a need to go to fast food restaurants. Most of the food at fast food places is just processed junk. There are many places that do offer salads as options but I would still rather you make your food yourself. Just remember that if you make your own food that you can control what goes in it. I am always amazed at the number of people that eat fast food a couple of times per week. The other trend that I see is people going to fast food places for breakfast. I used to drive by Hardees and Burger King every morning and the drive through would always be packed. Most of these people don't realize that they would could probably prepare breakfast at home in the amount of time that it takes them to stop at the fast food restaurant and sit in line at the drive through.

Yesterday's Top Performances
Male Bill 315 x 3
Carol 140 x 3

Workout of the Day
Row 250 meters and then perform 4 rounds of 24 walking lunges, 12 db swings, and 12 pushpress.


Anonymous said...

I blame this workout on Ashley, but the walking lunges are all on you Dan.

Why not just put "250 meter row, then 4 rounds of Kick Bill in the nuts, Dumbbell Swing, and Push Press"?

Oh, Brooke and Rich, your names better be up there as top performers tomorrow because right now you are looking like 1 and dones!!!! Seriously though keep working hard and maybe one day I will wake up early enough to come out and join you!

"bloody, but unbowed"

Despising Dan Foley and the walking lunge since March 2008

Anonymous said...

I'm gettin' a little tired of seeing your name as the "top performer" every freakin' day, Bill. It's time we either step it up...or sabatoge your workout. Like erase 4 rounds on the board and change it to 6 or put glue on the row seat.

oh and we are NOT done, Mister! We are far from done!!!! (Ok, I'm real tough on the internet but seriously, I'm improving. :-))

And what's going on with "death by burpees" for bad food journals?! ahhh!!!! I shutter just to think about it. Why Dan? Why?!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan - your board says 145 x 3:)

- Carol

Dan Foley said...


I always think of you when I post the lunges. Maybe I should name them after you. I think Brooke is right and that we need to get someone to knock you off the top performer list.

You seem to be on the rise on the top performers of the day categories. You are getting close to many of the leaders. You will thank me in the long run for the burpees, and if everybody eats like they are supposed to then they won't have to do any burpees.

You are right I short changed you five pounds. I will make up for it.

Neil said...
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Neil said...

Maybe top performer should be for percentage of max or increase for something like squats...but maybe Bill needs to clean up on the heavy lifts so he won't feel bad on some of the other timed things.....

Brooke said...

Oh snap! (wait, do people still say that?) :-) Nice comment, Neil.

Dan, I know you're right about the burpees but oh dear lord help me if I have to do them. ahhh!


Anonymous said...

Ok- all I have to say is this workout almost killed me:) One of the hardest workouts I've done.
