Monday, June 30, 2008

Power Food

Last week I came across a list of top foods to eat. Keep in mind that this list was compiled by a dietitian who works with the Olympic teams. On her list of top foods was bagels. Bagels are not a super food. Can you hunt or pick a bagel? Probably not. Is a bagel a natural food? No. If we compare the nutrional value of 100 calories of spinach with 100 calories of bagel there is obviously no comparison. The spinach will provide more fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants than the bagel. The bagel will actually steal nutrition from your body since grains have been known to leach onto valuable minerals such as calcium and zinc in your body. It is scary how much misinformation is out there. The majority of the popular information about health and nutrition today is wrong and it is scary.

Workout of the Day
1 rep max backsquat
1 rep max deadlift
1 rep max shoulder press

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