In today's society we are constantly surrounded by foods that are horrible for us. Many of these foods are loaded with sugars, trans fats, and empty calories. I really do not feel that we are programmed to be able to resist these foods. It is very hard to have sweets in front of you and not want to try them. We are programmed to seek out foods that are calorically dense so that in times of famine we have enough calories to survive. The problem today is that there is never a shortage of calories. So how are we supposed to reach our health and body composition goals with all of these tempting foods around? The simple answer is do not buy them. If you prepare the majority of the food you eat yourself and keep the junk out of your house it makes your nutrition a lot easier. I have found that if I have junk food in the house I am going to eat it, so I just don't buy it any more. The first step in making your nutrition a whole lot easier is to go through your kitchen and throw out the junk. Get rid of it because if you keep it around you are going to eat it.
Workout of the Day
3 db snatch/turkish get up each side
6 pullups
9 db swing
20 min for max rounds
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