Thursday, May 22, 2008


Chris M doing handstands
Yesterday I talked about the importance of putting action to your ideas. I really do feel that this is one of the biggest keys to transforming your body. Procrastination is an evil thing. If you need help with procrastination there is a book that may help. The book is the The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino. The book contains ten scrolls that are to be read for 30 days each. One of these scrolls is a great chapter on procrastination and how to avoid it. If you read the scroll for 30 days it will help you to take action towards your body transformation goals. All of the best fitness and nutrition information in the world will not help if you do not have the mindset to put the information to use.
Workout of the Day
5 rep thruster + 5 rep sumo high pull
Max rounds in 10 min
Rest 5 min
5 rep R hand db snatch
5 rep L hand db snatch
10 pushups
10 min max rounds

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