Every once in a while I like to go into the supplement stores and look around to see what is new. I do this so that I can try to stay current with the products that are on the market. Are there some supplements that work. Yes, but the vast majority of people are trying to supplement a poor diet. The first step everyone needs to make is to clean up their diet. If your diet sucks then all of the supplements in the world aren't going to help. Every time I go into a supplement store I always see the same thing. There is almost always an overweight person in the store asking the person behind the counter which supplement will help them burn fat. This time to the store was no different. There was an overweight man trying to ask the overweight employee which supplement was best for him to take as a post workout meal after his walk. Yes, you read that right a post workout supplement for his incredibly taxing walk. This poor man has been incredibly misinformed and the woman working in the store did not know any better as she continued to try and sell him a bunch of products that he did not need. The truth is that if there was a supplement in that store that worked miracles then everyone would already know about it. There is one thing that does work and that is hard work and proper diet. If you are doing a proper exercise program and eating well 90% of the time then there may be some supplements that can help but until you reach that level of eating there is no point in messing around with most of the supplements, other than fish oil.
Workout of the Day
Work up to a 1 rep max on
Back Squat
Shoulder Press
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