Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nutrition Class
We will be having a nutrition class Thursday night at 7pm. The cost for the class is $20, but if you bring a friend who does not work out with us then it your admission is free.

Fight Gone Bad
The Fight Gone Bad competition this Saturday will be from 10am -1pm. If you are participating you can show up anytime between 10am and 1pm to do the workout. If you would like to participate and have not signed up yet go here.

How do your genes express themselves? We all have genes that can be turned on and off. For example, in some people when they are deficient in Omega 3's their genes express this deficiency in the form of eczema and psoriasis, while in others they may show signs of depression rather than skin problems. Gene expression is a very individualized thing since we all have a different genetic code and different lifestyles. The analogy that I have heard used is that your genes are the gun and your lifestyle is your trigger finger. Your lifestyle determines which genes are expressed and which are not. If you want to keep bad genes from expressing themselves the best way is to eat right, sleep well, be active, and keep you stress levels down.

Workout of the Day
4x6 Shoulder press
4x6 Weighted pullups

3x8 pushpress
3x8 pullups

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