Thursday, July 3, 2008

Trans Fat

I came across an interesting fact yesterday. It turns out that the consumption of trans fat increases your risk of diabetes. We have talked about what trans fat, which is found in many processed foods, does to your cells. Trans fats are fats that have been altered to prolong the shelf life of a food. It has been said that fats have no effect on blood sugars, insulin, and diabetes but trans fat is different. Trans fat degrades the health of our cell membranes and these membranes hold the receptors for insulin. When the health of the cell membrane is compromised it reduces the effectiveness of the the insulin receptors. This is turn leads to a body that does not respond well to insulin ( insulin resistance). Insulin resistance leads to diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, cholesterol problems, vision problems, nerve damage, acne, and accelerated aging. Insulin is said to be the aging hormone so one sure fire way to age yourself is by eating a diet of processed foods that contain a combination of sugars and trans fats. The sugars will elevate your insulin levels and the trans fats will cause your body to respond very poorly to insulin. This is a sure path towards insulin resistance and health problems.

Workout of the Day
10 db front squats
5 db pushpress
5 pullups
20 min max rounds

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