Friday, July 18, 2008

Omega 3's

I came across an interesting statement the other day in a published study. The statement was that if everyone in the U.S. took 3 grams of omega 3(fish oil) per day then the incidence of heart disease and cancer would be reduced by 50%. This is a pretty bold statement since 50% is such a high number, but this just goes to show how important fish oil can be. Omega 3 oils help to reduce inflammation in the body. Omega 3's also improve the health of our cell membranes which is really important because health starts at the cellular level.

Workout of the Day
Weighted pullups 7 x 3
Tabata thrusters


Anonymous said...

OK Bill - Neil did pretty well today. Then Dan & I had a go of it. Amy=1, Dan=0. While I'm sure that won't last long, I'm going to bask in the glory. 85 thrusters for the Tabata.

XO - Amy C.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for taking the time and doing the newsletters. I look forward to reading them because they are very motivating.


Dan Foley said...


You got the best of me today. You were getting after those thrusters, but I am on the comeback trail now.


I am glad that you enjoy the newsletters. Let me know if you guys find out anything this weekend.

Anonymous said...

As you know, it is always foolish to rush off to the fad of the month miracle cure.

But taking some time to learn more about Omega-3s may surprise you, as it has surprised Dan.

Keep in mind that researchers have much to learn about Omega-3s, but a number of interesting studies are underway.

You can about many of them at