Monday, October 20, 2008


This weekend I was in Barnes and Noble looking through some books in the Health and Medical sections. I am always surprised by the number of books on diabetes. There are so many books on a disease that is not that hard to figure out. For some reason the medical world feels that it is better to let diabetics eat what they want and then medicate them, rather than teaching them how to eat properly. Tricia and I came across a press release this weekend that was put out by the American Diabetic Association. The press release stated that the ADA is acknowledging that a low carb diet works for the treatment of diabetes. It is scary that our government institutions are just now realizing this. Nutrition can be such a confusing subject because their is so much conflicting information out there.

Workout of the Day
1 min db thruster, sdhp, burpee, rowing machine
rest for 1 minute and repeat for 4 rounds

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