Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Men vs Women

I have seen it many times when a husband and wife begin a workout program together. Usually what happens is the male loses a bunch of weight quickly by just adding the exercise and making a few nutritional changes but the female does not lose weight as quickly as the male. Let me offer an explanation for this.

Females carry less muscle mass than males on average which causes them to have a lower resting metabolism(remember that your metabolism is determined by your muscle mass). Since the average female has a lower metabolic rate it is harder to create the caloric deficit that is necessary to lose weight. In order to create a bigger caloric deficit I think that females need to exericise more frequently than men in order to make drastic changes. Females who want to change their physique should be exercising a mimimum of 4-5 hours/week. I have noticed that the women that get the best results from our programs exercise more frequently.

There are some other factors involved as well such as hormones but the point wanted to make is that if you want results you need to consistently workout throughout the week.

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