Thursday, April 2, 2009

Keep a Journal

One of the easiest ways to change your body is to keep a journal. There is a saying that "those who keep records break records." A journal can help you keep track of your progress and show you where you are doing well and where you are lacking.

So what should be in your journal? You should keep track of all your workouts, food and liquid intake, supplement intake, sleep, stress levels, and any thing else that you can think of. The more detailed you can get the better. One of the things that I like to keep track of is my food and how it affected my focus and drive during my workouts. The other thing that I like to track is the food and supplements that I take and how they affect my sleep.

As you begin to compile several weeks of journal entries you will begin to see patterns that emerge, and these patterns will give you clues about how your body works. For example, if you find that eating a certain meal always gives you a better workout or makes you sleep better then that may be a change that you want to make. Everyone has their own unique formula for changing their body and keeping a journal can help you hone in on what will work best for you. Here is a list of things to keep in mind when you look at your journal

How was my energy throughout the day?
How was my ability to focus and get work done?
How was my focus and motivation during my workout?
Am I getting leaner or fatter?
Was I able to recover quickly from my workout?
Did I make progress in my workout?
How did what I ate affect my mood?
Are there any foods that don't make me feel well?
Are my bowel movements regular?
How did I sleep?

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