Monday, April 13, 2009


One of the most common questions I get regarding nutrition is about juice. If you are trying to lose fat then I would say that juice would not be my first choice. I would much rather someone eat a piece of fruit rather than drink juice. When you drink juice you are just drinking sugar, and high amounts of fructose.

High levels of fructose can accelerate the aging process as well as increase levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. If you eat the fruit rather than drink the juice you will get some fiber which will slow down the absorption of the sugar. With my clients who are trying to lose weight I usually make sure that they are not eating too much fruit anyway.

So is juice good for you? If you are trying to lose fat and get healthy then no. The only time I would have someone drink juice is if they were extremely lean and needed to add some muscle. Even then they would only consume the juice in the post workout period when they can best utilize the sugars.

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