Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What if one arm is stronger than the other

So what do you do if you are lifting weights and you notice that one arm is stronger than the other? This is called a bilateral deficit and it is something that should be addressed. You want your body to be balanced and that includes the right and left sides. In order to fix a bilateral deficit you should focus on training with dumbbells so that each arm must work separately. If you were to use barbell exercises all the time then you could potentially make the problem worse. If you are performing exercises such as a one arm db row then you should always perform the weaker side first and then match whatever repetition total you get with the other side. By doing this you will ensure that the weaker side is still getting the same amount of work. Many people make the mistake of lifting with their strong side first because that is the side that is easier, and they will perform 12 repetitions with their strong arm and only 8 on their weak arm. This will only make the problem worse. Another tip that can help to fix the problem faster is to use dumbbells with a thick grip. By using a thick grip you are forced to work harder and this will help to fix the bilateral deficit faster. If you do not have dumbbells with a thick grip you can simply wrap the dumbbell handle with either tape or a small towel.

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