Monday, March 23, 2009

A Different Perspective

Last week I spent quite a bit of time with several very good trainers from Canada. It was eye opening to see their reaction whenever we would go to eat anywhere. They kept on making comments on how many more overweight people there are in the U.S. compared to Canada. The other thing that they noticed was that not only were there more people who were overweight, but that there seemed to be a really high number of extremely overweight people. They said that in Canada they do not see extremely overweight people that often.

So what is it that causes Americans to have such a problem with obesity. I would say that it is several factors. Stress, lack of activity, poor sleeping patterns, and poor nutrition all play a role. I don't think that there is one factor that is to blame but several factors that are added together to create the formula. The answer to solving our obesity problems has more to do with changing our lifestyles and habits than anything.

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