Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What do all Nutritionists Agree On

Changes in the Class Schedule
Thursday and Friday of this week the 9am class will be moved to 8am

When it comes to nutrition there are many different opinions. If you go to tbe book store you will find an endless number of diet books that all have different methods. The truth with nutrition is that it is an individual thing. Most nutritionists tend to prescribe diets that work for them. So if you got together a large group of nutrition experts what would be the one thing that they would all agree on. It wouldn't be how much protein, fat, or carbs to eat, and it wouldn't be which types of fat or carbs to eat. The one thing that everyone would agree on would be that people should eat more vegetables. Vegetables are the ideal carb source as they provide large amounts of nutrients for a very minimal amount of calories and insulin response. Vegetable intake is one of the keys to attaining your body composition goals. I often consider green vegetables to be a negative calorie food, because it actually takes more calories to digest them than they contain. So you can eat as big a portion size as you want of green vegetables.

Workout of the Day
Interval Cardio

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