If you are trying to change your body you are probably going to encounter adversity along the way. You are going to come across times when the easy thing to do is to make poor nutritional choices, you are going to encounter times when the workouts get hard and you want to quit, and you are going encounter times when you are so busy that it is hard to find time to eat right and workout. The trouble is that when most people encounter adversity in their path towards a better body they quit and say that the program is too hard. The truth is that those who are willing to push through the hard times are the ones who are probably going to get the best results. So what are some possible road blocks that you may face along the way?
- Eating with friends and family who will try to feed you poor food
- Holidays
- No energy to workout
- Muscle soreness
- Too much to do and not enough time to workout
- Travel
- Vacations
- Social events
These are all roadblocks that can be overcome if you keep a long term picture of what you want to accomplish. Most people are too caught up in the now. For example, the cheesecake may taste good now but is it helping you reach your goals in the long run. Body transformations require several weeks of hard work, discipline, and consistency. Those that can stay the course and deal with the adverse situations along the way are the ones who will reap the rewards.
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